A England Simeon Solomon’s Reverie
Today I’m sharing Simeon Solomon’s Reverie by A England with you. This 4 piece collection is inspired by Simeon Solomon and is available at Harlow & Co. 😊

I did a skittle to show off the collection and it was nice to see how intense the holo gets in each shade. I used lower lighting to bring out more of the holo. Each polish is shown with 2 coats and no top coat.
First up, on my pinky is A Vision of Love, a rosy brown neutral tone that flaunts a spectacular flaming sight of vivid linear holo when exposed to direct light. This polish was the most subtle holo but the colour is so delicate and beautiful.

On my ring finger and thumb is Revealed in Sleep, a dovetail grey, a neutral tone shifting between soft grey and light brown. This shade is enlightened by an outburst of linear holo flame. The holo is quite striking in this one in the right light.

On my middle finger is And the Shadows Flee Away, a graphite/palpitant grey with a subtle blue undertone and a silvery lustre filled with flames of a linear holo splendour. This type of holo works so well in navy’s and darker shades. Very lovely indeed.

And finally, on my index finger is Until the Day Break, a midnight garnet; a blackened tone of burgundy with purple hues beaming with a flaming linear holo.

I think my surprise favourite was Revealed in Sleep – the holo is too gorgeous when the light hits just right. 🥰
Well that’s all for today!
As always, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day to check out my little corner 😊 Feel free to leave me comments/suggestions/feedback below.
~PR Sample but all opinions are my own~