Kathleen & Co Winter ’22 Collection Swatches, Live Swatch & Black Friday Deals
Today I’m sharing with you the Winter ‘22 Collection by a new-to-me brand called Kathleen & Co. Mia recently entrusted me to swatch this collection and I’m so glad she did because what a STUNNING collection it is! 😍

The Winter ’22 Collection has a gorgeous colour story coupled with lots of amazing finishes. You will not want to miss out on these! Releasing on Black Friday, the collection will be on sale with no code required exclusively between Nov 25 – 27th. More Black Friday info to follow below.
For now, let’s get into the pictures! 😁
All of my swatches are 2 coats and no top coat.
First up, Frosty is a silver holo flake base with glowy aqua blue/purple shimmer. I’ve been trying to get my hands on a polish like this forever so I’m so happy to have this one now!

I had posted a short video to my YouTube channel with this polish – oooo 😁💕 The polish looks sheer because of the flash I was using to show off the shimmer 😊
Around The World is a black base with vibrant red shimmer and holo flakes. I’ve fallen in love with a strong shimmer and holo flakies combo so this one is pure perfection. 😍

Crimson & Clover is a bright emerald with fiery red/orange shimmer. This one was honestly named so well – I love this bright green shade!

Moon is a white base with a heavy dose of glowy gold/green/aqua shimmer. Whoa, the golden shimmer is strong with this one and I’m so HERE for it! 😍

Lovely Day is a wintery red base with deep gold shimmer and holo flakes. I have no words to express how much I love this one. No. Words. 😭😍

Look at the flame in my bottle shot! Such a happy accident 🔥😍

In My Mind is a very dark purple linear holo with shift purple/green multichrome shimmer. The multichrome and the linear holo just work SO NICELY in this one. One doesn’t overpower the other – it’s just a happy couple. 😁

Once In A Lifetime is an emerald green with very shifty green/red shifting shimmer.

And finally, Imagine is a soft pink base with gold/green/aqua shimmer and holo flakes. What?! Why is this one so soft and delicate and beautiful?! 😭😍

I took sooo many pictures but I limited myself to these 6 pictures for each polish. I think it worked out well. I snuck the thumb shots in there because it showed off the shifts/shimmers best. 😁
But here is my live swatch video from my YouTube channel:
Ok, here are the Black Friday details for Kathleen & Co:
[The Winter ’22 collection] will be releasing on Black Friday at 8am CST and will be available until they sell out. This is not a preorder. Any that sell out will be available during a restock at a later date. Each polish will be available for $13 but marked down to $11 for the BF sale.
Specials start on Nov 25 at 8am CST until Sunday Nov 27th at 8pm.
~Everything including the Winter ‘22 Collection will be discounted. No code required.
~Mystery bags in 3 different finishes will be available – magnetic, reflective and flakies. Each bag will include 3 polishes and will be available for $27.
~Free gift with purchase on all orders over $100.
~Doorbuster polish will be available for $7 the first 4 hours or until it sells out.
~New Years Duo will available for $22
Well that’s all for today!
As always, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day to check out my little corner 😊 Feel free to leave me comments/suggestions/feedback below.
~PR Sample but all opinions are my own~