Krisable Designs Nov PPU – Tis the Season With Steve B
Today I’m sharing with you Krisable Designs‘ November Polish Pickup contribution and it’s a beauty!

Inspired by the Fireside Chat with Steve Buscemi, Kristine created Tis the Season with Steve B for November’s Tis the Season theme.

Described as a green leaning teal base with red/gold shimmer and lots of holo flakes. I am especially smitten with this one! 😍
And oOoOo the macro shot brings out all the beautifulness of it I think ❤️

I couldn’t quite capture the shifts on my nail but you can see it on the bottle in in real life much better. 😁

This beauty is available exclusively through Polish Pickup from Nov 4-7 and it has a 200 bottle cap so make sure to mark your calendars! 📆
Well that’s all for today!
As always, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day to check out my little corner 😊 Feel free to leave me comments/suggestions/feedback below.
~PR Sample but all opinions are my own~