Magnetic Snowflakes/Fireworks
Today I’m sharing this mani which I thought was a good snowflake mani only to be told by my 4 y/o that it looks like fireworks so now I’m calling it both! Or either! 😁

I recently got a kit of polish magnetics from Amazon just for the floral magnet and this is the result of using it. I absolutely adore it but I find that the magnetic pigment has to be pretty strong for the results go come through properly. You can use slightly thicker coats of polish to get the desired effect.

This was 2 thicker coats of Delphinus by Cirque Colors (from their Heavenly Bodies Collection) with the magnet on both coats. Just hold it as close to the nail polish as possible for at least 30 seconds for each coat.
I quite adore how they turned out. 😍

Well that’s all for today!
As always, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day to check out my little corner 😊 Feel free to leave me comments/suggestions/feedback below.
~PR Sample but all opinions are my own~
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